In the past, Dubai's business landscape predominantly revolved around the oil and gas industry, with the emirate relying heavily on these resources for economic growth and development. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift in focus due to advancements in technology, particularly in the field of design thinking and innovation management. This shift has led to a transformation in the way businesses operate and has paved the way for a new era of innovation and diversification.

Advancements in design thinking and innovation management have revolutionized business practices, enabling companies to identify new opportunities, streamline processes, and create innovative solutions to complex challenges. As a result, there has been a surge in the number of professionals seeking executive degrees like a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management to stay competitive in the evolving business landscape of Dubai.

In the shimmering oasis of Dubai, where the sands of tradition meet the skyscrapers of modernity, a bold transformation is underway. Once synonymous with oil and gas, Dubai is now pioneering a new era of innovation-driven growth, led by a wave of visionary senior executives armed with a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management.

The Shifting Sands of Dubai's Economy

For decades, Dubai's economic landscape was dominated by the oil and gas industry, with black gold fueling the city's meteoric rise. However, as global energy dynamics evolve and sustainability takes center stage, Dubai has embarked on a strategic shift towards diversification and innovation.

The Catalyst: Design Thinking and Innovation Management

At the heart of this transformation lies the Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management, a groundbreaking program that empowers senior executives to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world. Like master architects, these executives harness the principles of design thinking to reshape Dubai's business landscape brick by brick, idea by idea.

From Oil Wells to Idea Wellsprings

Imagine Dubai's economy as a vast desert, once dotted with oil wells that sustained its growth. Now, however, these wells are drying up, and traditional methods of extraction are no longer sufficient. Enter the senior executives armed with their Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management. They are like prospectors, drilling not for oil, but for ideas – tapping into the creative wellsprings of design thinking to unearth new opportunities and drive sustainable growth.

Facts That Spark Intrigue

Dubai's Economic Diversification: Did you know that Dubai's non-oil sector now contributes over 70% to its GDP? This remarkable shift underscores the city's commitment to diversification and innovation.

The Rise of Design Thinking: Design thinking is not just a buzzword,  it's a powerful problem-solving methodology embraced by leading organizations worldwide. From Apple to Airbnb, companies leverage design thinking to drive innovation and enhance customer experiences.

Innovation as a Competitive Edge: In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, innovation is no longer optional  it's essential for survival. According to a study by McKinsey, companies that prioritize innovation outperform their peers in terms of growth and profitability.

Navigating the Sands of Change

So, how do senior executives leverage their Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management to steer businesses beyond oil and gas in Dubai?

  • Breaking Ground with Design Thinking: Like architects of the future, senior executives use design thinking to reimagine business models, products, and services. By putting the customer at the center of their designs, they create experiences that resonate and drive loyalty.
  • Fueling Growth through Innovation: Innovation is the lifeblood of Dubai's new economy, and senior executives are the catalysts for change. Armed with their newfound knowledge from a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management they spearhead innovation initiatives that disrupt industries, seize new opportunities, and propel businesses to new heights.
  • Building Bridges to the Future: Dubai's transformation is not just about economics it's about building a better tomorrow. With their Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management in hand, senior executives bridge the gap between tradition and innovation, legacy and progress, steering Dubai towards a future defined by creativity, sustainability, and prosperity.

Here's how professionals can upgrade themselves to adapt to the changing business environment:

  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: Executive education programs like a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management offer opportunities to acquire cutting-edge skills and stay abreast of industry trends. By investing in lifelong learning, professionals position themselves for career advancement and success in a dynamic marketplace.
  • Foster a Culture of Innovation: Innovation is essential for driving business growth and staying ahead of the competition. With a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management professionals can foster a culture of innovation within their organizations by promoting creativity, collaboration, and risk-taking. They can lead by example by encouraging experimentation and embracing failure as a learning opportunity. By creating an environment where innovative ideas are valued and nurtured, professionals empower their teams to drive meaningful change and achieve breakthrough results.
  • Develop Strategic Thinking: Strategic thinking is critical for senior executives to navigate complex challenges and seize opportunities in today's business environment. A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management offer tools and frameworks to develop strategic thinking skills, enabling professionals to anticipate market trends, identify growth opportunities, and make informed decisions. By honing their strategic thinking abilities, professionals can effectively lead their organizations towards sustainable growth and success.
  • Cultivate Leadership Abilities: Effective leadership is essential for driving organizational change and inspiring teams to achieve their goals. Professionals can cultivate their leadership abilities through executive coaching, mentorship programs, and leadership development workshops. With a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management they learn to communicate vision, inspire action, and foster a culture of accountability, professionals can lead their organizations through periods of change and uncertainty with confidence and resilience.

Introduction of Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management:

A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management is a specialized program designed for senior executives looking to deepen their understanding of innovation processes and strategies. This advanced degree equips professionals with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to lead innovation initiatives and drive business transformation effectively.

How Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management Help Senior Executives to Steer Businesses Beyond Oil and Gas:

  • Strategic Innovation Management: A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management immerses senior executives in a thorough understanding of innovation management frameworks, methodologies, and best practices. Through case studies and practical exercises, participants develop the skills to conceptualize, implement, and oversee strategic innovation initiatives. By aligning innovation efforts with organizational objectives, executives drive sustainable business growth and adaptability in dynamic market conditions.
  • Design Thinking: A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management introduce professionals to the principles of design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem-solving. Through hands-on workshops and real-world projects, they learn to empathize with customers, identify unmet needs, and generate innovative solutions. By incorporating design thinking into their processes, executives foster a culture of creativity, agility, and customer-centricity, resulting in products and services that resonate deeply with target audiences.
  • Change Leadership: Effective leadership is crucial for navigating organizational transitions and fostering innovation. A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program equips senior executives with the skills and strategies needed to lead change initiatives successfully. They learn to communicate a compelling vision, empower employees, and overcome resistance to change. By fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability, executives drive organizational agility and resilience in the face of market disruptions.
  • Business Model Innovation: In today's rapidly evolving market landscape, traditional business models are being disrupted at an unprecedented pace. Senior executives explore innovative approaches to creating and capturing value, including business model innovation. Through case studies and interactive sessions, they learn to challenge assumptions, identify new revenue streams, and seize emerging opportunities. By embracing innovation in business models, executives stay ahead of competitors and drive sustained growth in dynamic markets.
  • Digital Transformation: Technology plays a pivotal role in driving business innovation and transformation. With a Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management senior executives gain insights into emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. They learn how these technologies can be leveraged to create new business opportunities, streamline operations, and enhance customer experiences. By embracing digital transformation, executives position their organizations for success in an increasingly digital world.


In conclusion, Dubai's transition from reliance on oil and gas to a more diversified and innovation-driven economy presents new opportunities and challenges for senior executives. A Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management equips senior executives with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to navigate this changing business landscape successfully. By embracing innovation and leading with vision and creativity, senior executives can steer businesses beyond oil and gas towards a future of sustainable growth and prosperity.

Are you ready to lead your organization into the future? Enroll in our Professional Doctorate in Design Thinking and Innovation Management program today and take the first step towards driving business transformation and innovation. Contact us to learn more about how this program can help you elevate your leadership skills and propel your career forward.

Written By : Somsak Chen